Hell yeah!! Are you guys and galls ready?
Our new album will be out Februari 23th 2018. It’s gonna be called “Spellbound“.The album release will be at the Burgerweeshuis venue on Saturday Night Februari 24 in Deventer NL. Save the date!! Hope you all will be there to celebrate the birth of our new one. Both vinyl and cd will be available then and there, including some very limited stuff, and get that limited stuff signed by the band… So, it’s gonna be a special night, and boy oh boy, it’s gonna be a party you’ll not lightly forget!!
The listening party will be held on Feb.4 @Variaworld, Deventer 15.00 hrs. Attendants will be the first to receive the new album, hear the new album, and meet & greet and drink a beer with the band.
Exciting times are ahead! But first of we are loading the tourvan for France, the United Kingdom, and some dutch gigs, to warm up…
See you soon folks.
Lots of love,
Simone, Alwin, Jerôme, Mr.Zerb
Drive By Wire – Album Release Date!